Patient Survey
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lab-xrayA major benefit to our clients is the time-saving convenience of having so many diagnostic services located at one site. These support services also allow our medical staff to take the best possible care of our patients.


Our on-site testing equipment is connected to large, professional reference labs in Tucson and Phoenix, where our providers can expedite test results and share them with technicians and specialists. For lab tests that are done on-site, the results are immediate. Results from tests sent out are usually available within 24 hours.

Digital X-ray

Digital X-ray services are available at the Nogales site and are available to all of our patients, even those who travel from our satellite clinics. We are deeply grateful to the Arizona Community Foundation for providing the grant that made this possible.

Digital Mammography

Mammography screening is critically important for women in Santa Cruz County. Mariposa assures that our patients receive state-of-the art-mammography screening services. Our digital system sends and records highly detailed images to computers, which transmit them to Mariposa’s consulting radiologists at Adobe Imaging Incorporated in Tucson for specialized analysis and evaluation.

The acquisition of our digital mammography equipment was made possible by the generous donations from a local individual donor, University Family Care, Fuji, and the Mark Ross Capin Endowment at the Santa Cruz Community Foundation. We are deeply grateful for these investments in the quality of care for our patients and our community.


Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) is a convenient and painless scan used to measure bone mineral density (BMD), which is key in the diagnosis of osteoporosis.  A DEXA scan is completed within 10-30 minutes, depending on which parts of the body are being examined.  Results from this scan allows your physician to keep track and trend your bone density health over a period of time, and help proactively monitor or treat your bone health before fractures from brittle bones occur.



Mariposa has incorporated state-of-the-art ultrasound technology for non-invasive diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Ultrasound is a technique that uses sound waves to image internal body structures and has many medical uses including fetal monitoring and imaging of internal organs to identify microscopic problems such as gall stones. With no required patient preparation and no radiation, ultrasound can also be applied to injured tissue to relieve pain and encourage healing.